CONTROLLER 67 vs. Temp/Humid Controller

Our most advanced tech in our lineup, the temperature humidity controller is capable of regulating climate in grow tents, sheds, living rooms, and more. It comes included with our quiet, high performance fans like the CLOUDLINE duct fan and AIRLIFT shutter exhaust fan. However, this controller is not to be confused with our standalone controller with the same appearance. The CONTROLLER 67 is equipped with the same functions the temperature humidity controller has with some extra features. Here are the main differences between the CONTROLLER 67 and the OEM temperature humidity controller included in select fans.
Both smart controllers feature the same sleek appearance and high-quality LED screen to retain the same user experience. While both have temperature and humidity readings, the screen layout slightly differs; whereas the OEM controller dedicates the top right corner for the humidity reading, the CONTROLLER 67 places the humidity reading below the temperature reading. The CONTROLLER 67 also features a trend indicator beside these readings and dedicates the top right corner for a clock instead. This clock is the easiest way to discern one controller from the other, as the standard OEM controller lacks this readout on its display. The biggest differences between these controllers are the features.
Temperature Humidity Controller
The OEM temperature humidity controller features the essential AUTO mode in which your quiet fan is triggered on or off based on the ambient climate and your settings. This includes high temperature, high humidity, low temperature, and low humidity sub-modes. As an example, your fan will not turn on if your high temperature trigger is set to 80°F and your space’s current temperature is 76°F. Only if your space rises above 80°F will your fan activate to cool. Once the temperature falls below 80°F, your fan will turn off.
The temperature humidity controller has a TIMER mode where upon navigating to it, your quiet fan will spin until the timer set counts down to zero. At which point, it will turn off. This feature is best used for one time or temporary use of your fan in scenarios like server or cabinet cooling.
Each sub-mode has an ALARM that alerts you when your space reaches an extreme climate state. This allows you to act when necessary. Alarm parameters are set by the user, letting you decide what is considered an extreme temperature or humidity.
OFF mode acts as a settings menu where you can adjust screen brightness, temperature scales, and calibrations. The screen brightness level goes up from 1 to 3 and includes an A3 setting where the display automatically dims to 1 when the controller is not in use. Holding the up button will set the temperature reading to °F while holding the down button set it to °C.
The ECO-MODE button turns the screen off when pressed and locks the controller when held down.
In addition to the essential AUTO mode, the CONTROLLER 67 is equipped with additional TIMER modes, dynamic speed transitions, and a minimum fan speed function for more custom activation.
The TIMER TO ON or OFF sets a countdown for one-time activation of your exhaust fan’s ON mode or OFF mode. Each timer mode can be used in tandem for a temporary boost in cooling. CYCLE mode creates an alternation between your exhaust fan’s ON mode and OFF mode. Lastly, the SCHEDULE mode allows you to set an activation period at any point during the day, which is supported by the onboard clock.
By popular demand of grow tent users, the CONTROLLER 67 is equipped with a minimum fan speed setting. Set in OFF mode, you can set a low fan speed that will constantly run no matter which mode you are in. This keeps grow tents ventilated so that it maintains an acceptable level of cooling. The OFF mode’s former function of setting screen brightness is moved to the settings menu. More on this later.
The CONTROLLER 67 is also capable of incrementally adjusting fan speed as the climate changes. Every step up or down in fan speed requires a threshold to be crossed until the max fan speed or target climate is achieved.
Settings Button
The ECO-MODE button is replaced by a dedicated SETTINGS button, used to access temperature scale switching, screen brightness, calibrations, and dynamic fan speed transitioning. This settings button replaces the need for simultaneous button inputs and allows you to simply use the up and down buttons to set your preferred parameters. This also allows the OFF mode to be dedicated to the minimum fan speed setting.
Now that you know the differences between the OEM temperature humidity controller and the CONTROLLER 67, you should now also know the advantages the latter has over the former. The CONTROLLER 67 is sold separately and is currently used as an upgrade piece for those who need more custom triggers and timers, whereas those who don’t need such advanced functions can stick with the smart controller that comes included with their quiet fan package.