New Headquarters (Again!)

AC Infinity announces its transition into a new location from which we will conduct all operations. Thanks to your support, AC Infinity has grown tremendously over the past several months since initially moving into our new headquarters. The company is now in a new location with an even larger warehouse space, and anticipates a greater improvement in order fulfillment and ability to keep our most popular products in stock and ready to ship. Here are some updates:
Our new warehouse address is 21880 Baker Parkway, City of Industry, CA 91789.
We are re-opening our will-call fulfillment program for our local buyers. Customers must place their order by calling our customer service team at the number above. Orders will be ready for pick-up on the same day until 3 PM and may be received the following day. Local customers are asked to pick up their order at the will call door, located before the office entrance.
Business hours will remain Monday through Friday at 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST.
Our phone number will remain (626) 923-6399. We are now accepting inbound phone calls during business hours to assist with technical issues, returns, exchanges, and other inquires you may have. You may also use our live chat for your customer service needs.
This information has been updated on our website and will soon be updated in our Google search results. AC Infinity thanks you for your continued support and is looking forward to being a top name in growing. We can't wait to show you what's next!